Our Community

December 24, 2017


Merry Christmas eve! The end of the year is a great time for reflection. I was reading… Read More ›

September 15, 2017

IIFYM: Why for competitors?

Personal Anecdote: For the past 3 years, what I wanted was to do what I saw so… Read More ›

August 6, 2017

Chasing Peace

At one point in my life, the high was the chase. From the time that I was… Read More ›

May 23, 2017

I’ve Grown by Failing

I failed. All of the hundreds of training and hours spent in the gym led up to… Read More ›

March 30, 2017

Building Around Goals

Today you started a diet. Day 1 WOOHOO! No. Stop right now. A diet? How many times… Read More ›

January 17, 2017

New Website Launched!

Hey! Welcome to my new website. Keep checking back for awesome information around contests, promotions, nutrition and… Read More ›

November 20, 2016

Mental Break

Yesterday, I took a break. Sometimes we just need to relax our mind and disconnect from the… Read More ›

October 15, 2016


Over all of my years on earth so far, one of the habits that has helped me… Read More ›

September 27, 2016


When you awoke this morning, what got you out of bed? What lights your fire? If you… Read More ›